Output refinement fit in IUCr-friendly CIF format
Using Get(weighting) should work with fixed and variable step/counts. pdCIFplot seems happy with everything thrown at it so far
macro Out_PowderCIFDataBlock(file) { out file Out_String("loop_") Out_String("\n_pd_proc_point_id") Out_String("\n_pd_meas_2theta_scan") Out_String("\n_pd_calc_intensity_total") Out_String("\n_pd_proc_intensity_total") Out_String("\n_pd_proc_ls_weight") Out_String("\n") xdd_out file append load out_record out_fmt out_eqn { " %9.0f" = Xi+1; " %11.5f" = X; " %11.5f" = Ycalc; " %11.5f" = Yobs; " %11.5f\n" = Get(weighting); } }
out_powdercifdatablock.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/03 15:08 by