I am trying to refine synchrotron data (.xye files). When I use weighting = 1/Sqrt(Yobs) for the weighting, the program stops responding and crashes after a while.
If I comment the line out, it runs but doesn't correctly fit the prominent phase peaks, I know of two phases in the sample. The peak intensities and position do not match, even after refining the lattice parameters.
If I run the .inp with the prominent phase alone, the positions match after refining lattice parameters. However, the intensities are still an issue.
I have three types of .xye files from Synchrotron - normal 2th.xye, 2th corrected.xye, and 2th.subtracted_bkg.corr.xye
The problem persists no matter which file I use.
Is there a way to mitigate this? I have done 30-odd samples from the same Synchrotron, and they work fine.