Dear SonLe
I have written a macro to enable plotting and export the calculated e0 for each peak.
If you copy the code to your more.inp (should work with the non academic version) or (should work with both versions) it should show you a plot of the e0 distribution & create a txt file called e0.stephens.txt with the details.
Kind regards
' MORE.INP - this file is included in GUI mode calculations
macro Stephens_lor_gauss(etac, etav, mhkl)
#m_argu etac If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(etac, etav, min 0 max 1)
local #m_unique pp_ = D_spacing^2 * Sqrt(Max(mhkl,0)) Tan(Th) 0.0018/3.1415927;
gauss_fwhm = pp_ (1-CeV(etac, etav));
lor_fwhm = pp_ CeV(etac, etav);
out e0.stephens.txt append
Out_String("H K L 2T D e0 \n")
local l_out = pp_ CeV(etac, etav) / Tan(Th);
local g_out = pp_ (1-CeV(etac, etav)) / Tan(Th);
local v_out = Voigt_FWHM_GL(If(g_out <= 0.00001, 0.00001 , g_out), If(l_out <= 0.00001, 0.00001 , l_out)).25 Pi/360;
normals_plot = v_out;
phase_out e0.stephens.txt append load out_record out_fmt out_eqn
"%4.0f" = H;
"%4.0f" = K;
"%4.0f" = L;
"%8.3f" = 2 Th Rad;
"%8.3f" = D_spacing;
"%20.8f\n" = v_out;