Figured it out:
yobs_eqn row119.xy = Gauss(10.1, 1); min -2 max 20 del 0.01
ymin_on_ymax 0.0001
la 1 lo 1 lh 0.00001
Zero_Error(@, 0.0999998495`)
xo 10 I @ 0.999983638`
peak_type pv
pv_lor 0
pv_fwhm @ 1`
If I draw a gaussian at 10.1, and fit it with a gaussian fixed at 10, the refined offset is 0.1.
2Th_obs = 2Th_calc + offset
2Th_calc = 2Th_obs - offset
This means that if you want to write out an XY file with corrected 2Th values, you need to subtract any offsets from the data values you've read in.
I'll have to write a macro for that. 🙂