Start from 0,0, refine it, and make sure the values make sense. Do you know how big your beam was vertically? The verticial displacement shouldn't be more than that number.
The 2theta zero offset values represent a shift in the 2th = 0 position of the detector; ie does the channel which thinks it is at 0° 2th really at 0° 2 th? The mythen correction is a specimen displacement correction; the zero offset is a detector alignment correction.
Take the second row of table 1. The sample is deliberately placed -0.3 mm away from its ideal position laterally, and 0.0 mm vertically. The refined value of the specimen position is -0.27, -0.04 mm (which is pretty close to where it actually is), with a refined 2Th zero error of 0.003° 2Th (which is less than one pixel). If the refinement is done without the specimen displacement correction, the Rwp/GoF is 2.29/1.50, whereas with the correction, the same values are 1.54/1.03.
I don't know of any wobble macros.
Yes. the Slit_width macro is the "top-hat function describingthe pixel spread" mentioned in the first paragraph in the second column on p. 618.
Not really, it's more an experience thing, I'm sorry to say. To build an emission profile, you need a specimen whose cell edge you know the position of. You can then refine the wavelength to match the peak position. To then build up the full emission profile, you need to properly account for all other peak-shape related factors (crystallite size and microstrain, axial divergence, slit_width, capillary size, specimen LAC, detector radius, and probably some others I've forgotten), and the remainder should be from the emission profile. Just as an anecdote, the PD beamline at the Australian Synchrotron always had a significant gaussian width component for all of my data.
Are you using Topas 7? You should also use the new capillary peak shape convolutions to model the effect of the capillary on the peakshape. There is a very good paper describing how it works: https://espace.curtin.edu.au/bitstream/handle/20.500.11937/58859/257287.pdf