This might be a little off topic for this forum, but I thought I give it a try.
I need to do a Rietveld refinement with a supercell. I have not done this before, typically I just use a standard CIF for my Rietveld refinements in TOPAS.
The structure I have is trigonal, R-3 with about 10 atoms in the asymmetric unit (these are what I would typically refine). However I need a 1x1x2 supercell. I have created this in VESTA, however when loaded into TOPAS the list of atoms to be refined is a few hundred! This is simply the asymmetric unit * multiplicity of the cell * supercell.
Is there a way to generate supercell either outside of TOPAS and import, or within TOPAS, such that I would only have about 20 atoms in the asymmetric unit and the rest generated by symmetry elements?