Hello everyone,
I am currently interested in NaX zeolite (cubic/Fd-3m) and I noticed the presence of a peak close to the (111) one. After some literature research, I saw that it was something common in Faujasite called the stacking fault. After looking in the TOPAS book and reading the online tutorial, I decided to try it on my material but I am having trouble understanding how to create the different layers to arrange the sites for the atoms.
Have people already taken an interest in this problem?
Nothing really to add, sorry. But, stacking only works in the c direction in topas, so if you want a fault on the 111 plane, you will need to change the symmetry representation of your material such that the 111 direction is parallel to the c axis.
I started playing with this for some metals, and I ended up using a rhombohedral setting.