I had to format the hard drive of my main computer and reinstall windows 10. I have installed topas (v6 commercial) but now I get several errors related to space group selection in GUI mode:
- When I add a new structure and try to specify its space group (either by typing it directly or using the GUI space group chooser), I get a popup that says "External Exception e06d7363".
- If I load a .pro file that was previously OK, I get an error saying that a particular .sg file is not found. For example, a .pro file of a silicon standard will throw the error "Cannot open file C:\TOPAS6\sg\fd-3m.sg".
Has anyone encountered this error before? I suspect it has something to do with some VC redistributable missing, but I have tried installing a few with no sucess.
I haven't tried launch mode yet.
Hi Joaquin
This has something to do with the sg directory not being there. Can you contact Bruker-AXS as they would know what to do in regards to installation of the commercial version.
Dear Joaquin
I'll drop you a PM.
Kind regards
Dear Alan and Dominique,
Thank you both for your reply. I was able to fix it by installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 redistributable (x86). I tried
running c:\topas6\sgcom6.exe from the command line and found it was complaining that msvcr110.dll and msvcd110.dll were missing. After installing the redistributable Topas works fine.