Hi Alan,
Thanks for the comments, and sorry for the late response.
I've abstracted the penalty creation part using
sites_geometry and bond stretching and bending models based on [1] (macro examples below). The catch is that these function arguments are tabulated parameters for different elements, so as far as I know, the atomic interactions have to be defined a priori.
This is helpful for restraining molecule geometry, e.g., where we know well what connectivity is expected. The question I have is whether it's possible to look up the parameters for site1, site2, ... on the fly, so that bond penalties could be applied between structure fragments whose spatial relationships we don't know a priori.
E.g. hypothetical solution-- pseudocode using parameter lookup for bond stretches < cutoff radius:
for site2 in (sites < r_cutoff):
stretch(site1, <--- macro to insert bond stretch penalty
r_table(site1), <--- equilibrium distance parameter
z_table(site1), <--- effective charge parameter
For penalties defined a priori, I currently have the parameter values stored in a .inc file with a loader to populate the namespace of the input script:
macro load_prm(arg) {
''' invoke UFF prm instances for lab '''
' UFF parameters table from [Rappe 1992]
' ref: Rappe, A.K., Casewit, C.J., Colwell, K.S., Goddard III,
' W.A., and Skiff, W.M. (1922) "UFF, a Full Periodic
' Table Force Field for Molecular Mechanics and
' Molecular Dynamics Simulations." J. Am. Chem. Soc.
' 114, 10024-10035.
' Table I. Atomic Data.
' ---------------- ----------------------- effect
' bond angle dist energy scale charge
' type r_i theta_i x_i D_i Xi Z_i
' -----------------------------------------------------------
macro uff_H { prm !ri_H 0.3540 prm !thi_H 180.0000 prm !chii_H 0.89 prm !xi_H 2.8860 prm !di_H 0.0440 prm !si_H 12.0000 prm !zi_H 0.7120 }
Penalty example:
macro stretch(si, sj, ri, rj, zi, zj, ci, cj, n, weight, dist0, dist, eval) {
''' bond stretch penalty (E_ij) '''
local #m_unique !rij0 = get_rij( ri, rj, n, ci, cj ) ; : dist0
sites_geometry #m_unique c1 load site_to_restrain { si sj }
local #m_unique rij = Sites_Geometry_Distance(c1) ; : dist
penalty = weight
IF rij > 2 rij0 THEN
Er_harmonic(rij, zi, zj, ri, rj, n, ci, cj) ' large penalty at large distance
Er_morse(rij, zi, zj, ri, rj, n, ci, cj) ' anharmonicity more accurate at short range
; : eval
macro bend(si, sj, sk, th0, ri, rj, rk, zi, zk, ci, cj, ck, nij, njk, weight, ang, eval) {
''' bond bend penalty (E_ijk) '''
sites_geometry #m_unique c1 load site_to_restrain { si sj sk }
local #m_unique theta = Sites_Geometry_Angle(c1) ; : ang
penalty = weight Etheta(theta, ri, rj, rk, th0, zi, zk, nij, njk, ci, cj, ck) ; : eval
[1] A. K. Rappé, C. J. Casewit, K. S. Colwell, W. A. Goddard, and W. M. Skiff, “UFF, a Full Periodic Table Force Field for Molecular Mechanics and Molecular Dynamics Simulations,” J. Am. Chem. Soc., vol. 114, no. 25, pp. 10024–10035, 1992.