Hi everyone,
So as I understand it, the "continue_after_convergence" keyword have to be included for Remove_Phase to work, right?
I'm asking since I have some problems with the Remove_Phase macro. I want to do a sequential refinement on temperature variable PXRD data. At some point, I see the development of a new phase in the data but not before some 100s of data sets.
What I'm looking for is a way to include the "new" phase in all my refinements but remove the phase if it is not present. This would also be useful for data sets where secondary phases come and go.
The problem is that the remove_phase keyword terminates the entire sequential refinement (and not only the "present" refinement) whenever a phase is removed. Is it possible to circumvent this termination somehow?
I've set up my sequential refinement according to
http://topas.dur.ac.uk/topaswiki/doku.php?id=sequential_refinements, where I essentially use the "num_runs" keyword to define a macro that receives a list of data files.
Thanks for your help,