Thank you Matthew and John, this approach seems to be working. Specifically, for the synchrotron pattern I am now specifying:
weighting = 0.2 / SigmaYobs^2;
Where the 0.2 was chosen by trying various values until the goodenss of fit (r_wp/r_exp) for the synchrotron matched the gof of the neutron. For anyone else trying to do this, note that because of the definitions of r_wp and r_exp, the r_wp of the synchrotron pattern shouldn't change much as a function this global weight, but the r_exp changes a lot. The chi (squared) can therefore be manipulated to be equal to any arbitrary value based on this weighting scheme.
In addition to these posts, I found this link helpful:
According to that link, the weighting the synchrotron pattern "increases uncertainties slightly, but decreases possible influence of systematic error."