I have a series of data to analyse and to help with this I would like to append parameter values to a text file to make plotting up unit cell values more straightforward. The code I am trying to use at the minute is that shown below:
out "C:\directory\test.txt" append
Out(Pressure, "\n%V")
Out(Get(a), "%V")
Out(Get(b), "%V")
Out(Get(c), "%V")
Out(Get(be), "%V")
Out(Get(cell_volume), "%V")
Out(Get(r_wp), "%V")
This provides the values in the text file, but I do not know how to add a space or tab between each value, at the moment the values are all sandwiched together with no space. I would also like to include the xdd data file name too.
If anyone could advise on how to achieve this or to better extract certain parameter values to text file, that would be great.