I have a peak:
xo @ 21.9868519`
peak_type pv
pv_lor @ 0.610774892`
pv_fwhm @ 0.0653475774`
I @ 104.75125`
I want to write the values of the parameters to a file. Get(xo), Get(pv_lor), and Get(pv_fwhm) all work. Get(I) throws an error "Cannot locate I from scale in data structures".
I've tried using Iobs_no_scale_pks, I_no_scale_pks, and I_after_scale_pks. The first fail with the error "Cannot locate Iobs_no_scale_pks from scale in data structures", and the others just give me a value of -0.000000000
I can use Get(numerical_area). I don't know what this value represents, but it seems to work. One problem us that it doesn't have an error associated with it when I use do_errors.
I can use out_prm_vals_on_convergence results.txt, but I'd like to be able to a targeted output of prms.
How can I output the intensity value?
As a side note: Is this intensity a peak area?