Dear all,
I took the HRPD mulitbank refinement template from the TOPAS wiki. I have a question about a couple of the parameters. What is "mu_Si_bs" and "fixb_bs"? Should these be kept fixed throughout the refinement? Both these values seem to be highly correlated with a number of other parameters I am trying to refine.
Many thanks,
Mu is an absorption correction. Fixb will just match temp factors (iso) from different banks. Both will be highly correlated (infinitely?) with other parameters and should be used with care. If all data corections done properly to all banks they shouldn't be needed. If both are zero no correction is applied. In practice in a combined refinement you might have !fixb 0 for back scattering bank and refine fixb for 90. If fixb_90 is large you might need to think why.