Dear all.
I got something like 20 inp files in one folder, which I all want to run. Is there a simple way to create a batch for running multiple inp files?
Regards, Olli.
Look up the DOS dir command. For example:
dir *.* > batch.inp
BATCH.INP will looking something like:
Volume in drive C is OS
Volume Serial Number is 16F4-E402
Directory of C:\t5\test_examples
15/05/1996 07:27 AM 14,981 file-1.inp
31/01/2003 04:14 AM 8,956 file-2.inp
23/05/2013 09:56 PM 12,530 file-2.inp
Massage BATCH.INP to look like:
tc \t5\test_examples\file-1
tc \t5\test_examples\file-2
tc \t5\test_examples\file-3