Dear all,
I'm brand new to the TOPAS-Academic software and am having trouble getting it to execute on my data files. I'm using a Bruker D2 Phaser with a Lynxeye detector, which creates files marked .raw. I am trying to follow the same order of operations as are given in John Evans' Tutorial #13 at in order to carry out a multi-phase Rietveld refinement. My XRD traces are of mixtures of calcite, gypsum, and quartz, so I downloaded .cif files for these minerals at I followed the instructions given in Tutorial #13 exactly (using jEdit to create the input file for TOPAS), but substituting my raw file and the .cif files I downloaded for the tutorial files Dr. Evans provides. When I tried to execute TOPAS, I was told that there was an Abnormal program termination and the log file told me "Structure has no atoms or sites."
In looking carefully at Dr. Evans' tutorial again, I discovered that TOPAS was not able to load .sg files for the spacegroups of the minerals in my mixtures. In investigating further, I found that the sg folder in TOPAS did not appear to contain any of the correct .sg files, so I thought that I had uncovered the source of my problem. On a whim, however, I decided to look for montmorillonite in my mixtures, whose space group did appear to have a .sg file in the sg folder. I deleted the str information for calcite, gypsum, and quartz from the input file and put in the information for montmorillonite and re-ran TOPAS. This time the software said it was able to load the xyz's for the space group from the file but then gave a new error message that says "Cannot find in file isotopes.txt." I also discovered, contrary to my previous belief, that the .sg file for the montmorillonite space group information was freshly created in the sg folder, suggesting that TOPAS should have been able to create the .sg files for the space groups associated with calcite, gypsum, and quartz in the first place.
At this point, I'm at a loss as to how to proceed and would welcome any suggestions anyone might have to get past this impasse.
Thanks for any help you can provide. Kirsten Menking