I have some question in determining the TOF calibration constants. There are instrument parameter files for north and south bank. We can see three parameters following "ICONS":
ICONS 18355.41 -4.12 -14.55. These three parameters should be corresponding to TOF calibration constants.
At the beginning of refinement, we use fitting of standard CeO2 powder to obtain diffractometer constants(t0, t1, t2) and exponential parameters.
The question is:
1. Should I directly use the above three parameters as t0, t1 and t2, like: t0=-14.55, t1=18355.41, t2=-4.12, no refine, always fix them during refinement? Or just use them as original calibration constants and then refine them?
In topas tutorials "TOF calibration / refinement of CeO2", it refined them.
But there is another saying in this paper.
2. For exponential parameters, two macro
TOF_Exponential(a0, a0v, a1, a1v, wexp, t1, lr) ,
TOF_Exponential(b0, b0v, b1, b1v, wexp, t1, lr) will be used to determine rise and decay coefficients. How to set original parameters inside macro?
For example,
if we directly choose it from Jedit TreeView, it will be:
TOF_Exponential(@, 100, @, 50, 1, t1, -),
TOF_Exponential(@, 100, @, 50, 4, t1, +).
If according to posted example "TOF_bank2_1.inp" in Topas, it is:
TOF_Exponential(a0, 100, ,0, 1, t1, -), (a1 here is fixed to 0,why?)
TOF_Exponential(b0, 100, b1, 100, 4, t1, +)
We can see that they have been set in different original value. Different original value will make different refinement value, which will effect all the following refinements. How to deal with this in a usual case?
3. I have compared different way (like change original parameters in macros, keep some parameters fixed or refined), after run TA, I found it's difficult to figure out which one is best if according to their profile patterns (they all fitted well). The difference is parameters results in INP files. And there are red LIMIT warnings inside it sometimes.
Does anyone can tell me the usual way to judge a refinement is good or not, especially according to INP results?
By the way, I'm using ISIS TOF data for residual stresses analysis.
Thank you very much!