This question has already been solved by Alan. Thanks for his below desciption about "str_hkl_angle" keywords. Please forgive my impertinence quoting personal email, but I think this may help other user wants to use this keyword outside of PO macro.
str_hkl_angle returns the angle between the normal to the plane defined and normals of hkls. It is used in for example by the Preferred_Orientation macro.
There is of course a different angle for each multiplicity and hence the multiplicities are iterated over. Thus when using str_hkl_angle two further reserved parameters come into play; these are M and Mi. M is the number of multiplicities for the current plane and Mi the iterator.
The PO macro uses:
str_hkl_angle ang hkl
scale_pks = Sum((c^2 Cos(ang)^2 + Sin(ang)^2 / c) ^ (-1.5), Mi = 0, Mi < M, Mi = Mi+1) / M;
Note that ang is within in the summation and it comprises a different ang for each multiplicity.