Thanks a lot for the time and effort! I am not too much into formula implementation in the .inp, ill check if i can alter the imported Fo² for each Theta value with your derived s(Thetha) = f(Theta) / F
huh i think Footprint is dangerous to abbreviate here -
before calculating Fo-Fc in the Rietveld. Editing .xy whould be tiresome.
I remember that i saw weird misfits likely due to this effect for rietvelds with simple structure input (i assumed the Fcalc correct) from cif, they appeared as peak misfits which were a "linear" (at least it appeared approx. linear, i call it linear thus) function in the "uncorrected" difference plot. The "good" center region was about 25-30°, depending on the strongest peaks positions of the structure and the scale factor i guess. It was overfitting below that center Th value and underfitting below. At first i thought it was about abs. correction but that never solved the misfit properly, the temperature factors can partially cover that if refined but thats obviously not physical then.
As i use Rietveld only for determining phase composition in mixtures, it is more of a nerd thing as you mentioned 🙂, but for people who try to solve things from powder data that linear error function in the Fobs must be annoying, and for refining coordinates and U/B values its deadly i guess. Thinking longer on it, even for phase composition rietvelds with 2 "unlucky" crystal phases say CdTe and some C-H-N-O it might cause trouble, due to very difference atomic form factor.. i am not entirely sure if such error linear function with an "accidentaly refined" Theta axis intersection affects the ratios.
Your point on the "moving knife function" is interesting, i might ask someone from Bruker in Hannover this year (we use a D8 Discover) how the auto knife height vs Th is programmed. I originally thought the auto knife "height function" also serves to keep the illuminated area and thus s = f/F constant, although with very low angles the knife will brush the sample then if its not perfectly flat?