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====== User Macros ======
The links in the table are to different macros that users have contributed (most are taken from the collection at [[http://www.dur.ac.uk/john.evans/topas_academic/macros.inc]]). Please feel free to add your own macros. Follow the format of one of the pages already created (or look at [[how_to_contribute#formatting_macros]]). Please add enough documentation that others can follow it! Try and keep the table roughly alphabetical. More detailed instructions are available on [[how to add a macro]].
The page [[all_macros]] contains many macros in a single file.
You can just copy/paste a macro into an INP file OR (not and!) place it in "local.inc" which is in the main topas directory. Note that you topas will throw an exception if a macro is defined twice. You can learn the syntax by looking at the predefined macros which are in topas.inc. There's also a great forum post on this by Matthew Rowles.
^ Title ^ Description ^ Contributed by ^
| [[[[Abs_Lobanov|Abs_Lobanov]] |Absorption correction for TOF neutrons |Pamela Whitfield |
| [[adp_no_limits]] |Remove positive definite limits on adps |Alan Coelho |
| [[adps with symmetry constraints]] |Put symmetry constraints on ADPs |Matthew Rowles |
| [[alt._gof|Alternative Goodness of Fit]] |Alternative Goodness of Fit |Matthew Rowles |
| [[Anisotropic_hkl]] |Anisotropic broadening correction based on the Alan Coelho reply in the Riet List on 31 Oct 2008 | Carlos Paiva-Santos and Selma G Antonio|
| [[Anisotropic_broadening]] |Anisotropic broadening correction based on an antiphase boundaries description by Her, Stephens et al| Emma McCabe and John S. O. Evans|
| [[Anisotropic_crystallite_size]] |Anisotropic broadening correction for triaxial-ellipsoids/elliptic-cylinders/cuboids |Dominique Ectors |
| [[Atomic_Number]] |Returns the atomic number of an atomic symbol and calculate total electron number in unit cell |Tony Wang |
| [[Atomic_Weight|Atomic_Weight]] |Returns the atomic weight of an atomic symbol and calculate Cell_Z: number of molecules in unit cell |Tony Wang |
| [[bkg_file]] | User-supplied background from a file | Phil Chater |
| [[Bkg_GSAS_f2]] | Cosine fourier series background function (GSAS#2) | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[Bkg_GSAS_f5]] | GSAS background function #5 (low Q air-scatter) | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[Bkg_GSAS_f6]] | GSAS background function #6 (low Q air-scatter and high Q diffuse scattering) | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[Out_GSAS_f2]] | Output coefficients for cosine fourier series (GSAS#2) | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[Out_GSAS_f5]] | Output coefficients for GSAS background #5 | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[Out_GSAS_f6]] | Output coefficients for GSAS background function #6 | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[capillary absorption]] | Sabine capillary absorption | John Evans |
| [[DAC_Abs_Correction]] |Diamond anvil cell absorption correction |Martin Fisch |
| [[Damp]] | GSAS-style damping factors | Phil Chater |
| [[Debye-Scherrer_Specimen_Displacement]] | Capillary displacement correction (Debye-Scherrer) | Matthew Rowles |
| [[Direct-Derivation Method QPA]] | Quantitative phase analysis by the Direct-Derivation Methodology | Matthew Rowles |
| [[DS_Capillary_SD]] | Capillary displacement correction (Debye-Scherrer) | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[EoS_Macro]] |Determine equation of state parameters |Martin Etter and Robert E. Dinnebier |
| [[Fixed_Incident_Beam]] | A collections of corrections for use with flat-plate samples with a fixed angle incident beam | Matthew Rowles |
| [[Flat-plate transmission]] | Macros to deal with intensity, absorption, and specimen displacement | Matthew Rowles |
| [[FCF_Vesta]] |Shelx LIST 3 like FCF file for Vesta |Martin Fisch |
| [[Fourier maps]] |Input file for superflip to calculate Fourier map |Lynne McCusker |
| [[gem_instrumental_peakshape]] | Gem tof peak shape | Bill David |
| [[Get_Distance]] Get_Angle |Get the distance between two sites and report it in the .inp file | John Evans |
| [[H_ride]] |Ride H atoms in organic structures | Alan Coelho |
| [[Inel_Flat_Plate_V1]] |Fixed sample angle I & disp. correct'n V1 | Ian Madsen |
| [[Inel_Flat_Plate_V2]] |Fixed sample angle I & disp. correct'n V2 | Ian Madsen |
| [[Insert_Peak]] | Add a peak to a Rietveld fit | John Evans |
| [[Insert_Peak_hkl]] | Add a peak to pattern at 2-theta fixed by hkl | John Evans |
| [[Integral breadth]] | Find the integral breadth of some various peak shapes | Matthew Rowles |
| [[K-Factor]] |K-Factor Quantification |Martin Fisch |
| [[Linear interpolation]] | GSAS-style linear interpolation background functions | Phil Chater |
| [[Mass attenuation coefficient]] | Calculate the mass attenuation coefficient of a mixture given an elemental composition | Matthew Rowles |
| [[Out_CIF_crystalmaker]] |Output cif with adps for crystalmaker | John Evans |
| [[Out_CIF_ADPs_diamond]] | Cif with adps that diamond will read directly | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[Out_CIF_diamond]] | Cif with Bisos that diamond will read directly | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[Out_CIF_mag]] | Output magnetic CIF | John Evans and Emma McCabe |
| [[Out_Out_General_CIF_test]] | More general cif output | Alex McClennan |
| [[Out_pdCIF]] | pdCIF output with a focus on multi-pattern,multi-str | Matthew Rowles |
| [[Out_Dif]] | Generate dif file in uxd format for Bruker eva software | John Evans |
| [[Out_Gnuplot_]] | Produce hkl labels and plots to use in gnuplot | John Evans |
| [[Out_min_max ]] | Output coordinates in controlable formats | John Evans |
| [[Out_PowderCIFDataBlock]] | Output fit data in IUCr-friendly CIF | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[Out_with_suffix ]] | Versatile output for multipattern files | Martin Fisch |
| [[Out_xtl ]] | Simple xtl format for various packages | John Evans |
| [[Out_Int & Out_Ins|Out_Int&Out_Ins]] | Export .int data and .ins instruction file for RIETAN-FP & Dysnomia to calculate 3D e-cloud using MEM | Tony Wang |
| [[Out_MEM]] | Export .mem data and .prf preference file for Dysnomia to calculate 3D e-cloud using MEM | Tony Wang |
| [[https://github.com/pachater/topas/blob/master/pdf.inc|PDF macros]] | A collection of macros for use with [[pdf_fitting|PDF data in TOPASv6]] | Phil Chater |
| [[peak_shapes]] | Various peak shapes for various means | Matthew Rowles |
| [[pkshape_DC1]] | Peak shape for area detector diffractometer | Dimitry Chernyshove and John Evans |
| [[Preferred_Orientation]] | Generalised March-Dollase PO corrections | Matthew Rowles |
| [[Refine_Weight_Percentage]] | Set or refine weight percentages directly | Matthew Rowles |
| [[Robust_refinement_xye]] | Robust Refinement | Peter Stephens |
| [[Sequential refinements]] | Refine multipattern datasets - Version 6 | Matthew Rowles |
| [[Sequential refinements - save phase pattern]] | Extract certain phase contribution from a set of patterns - Version 6 | Tony Wang |
| [[Space_Group_Number]] | Returns Space Group Number based on SGCOM5.txt | Tony Wang |
| [[Stephens peakshape]] | Anisotropic peak broadening | Peter Stephens |
| [[Texture_Index]] | Texture index from spherical harmonics coefficients - Version 5 | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[TOF_Powder_extinction|TOF_Powder_extinction]] | Extinction correction for TOF neutrons | Pamela Whitfield |
| [[tof_sample_peakshape]] | Sample contribution to tof peak shape | John Evans |
| [[Variable_Divergence_lpsd]] | Variable divergence correction with lpsd convolution | Matthew Rowles |
| [[Weight percentage in original]] | Get the weight percentages in the original specimen when using an internal standard| Matthew Rowles |
| [[wifd_mic]] , wifd_mic_new | tof peak shape GEM | Bill David |
| [[wifd_pkshape]] | tof peak shape HRPD | Bill David |
| [[write_atoms]] | Write out coordinates for Atoms | John Evans |
| [[write_atoms_adp]] | Write atoms for .inp with adps for Atoms | John Evans |
| [[wppm_macros]] | WPPM macros for TOPAS | Paolo Scardi |
| [[xml_from_xdds]] | Create xml output files from TOPAS for input into other software | Phil Chater |