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====== Insert a peak at position fixed by hkl ====== The macro below lets you insert freely-refined peaks at values determined by h,k,l of a specified unit cell. It's only written for orthorhombic, tetragonal or cubic systems, but you could modify the dsp equation for other systems. It uses a single overall lorentzian mixing. You can optionally restrain the intensity to known values. Enter 0 and penweight 0 if you don't want to do this. xdd .... prm lpap 10.598 prm lpbp 10.598 prm lpcp 10.598 prm lor 0.984351773`_0.00788793893 min 0 max 1 'use a single overall lorentzian mixing, you could do this per peak prm !penweight 1 'change to 1 and the refined intensity is restrained to some ideal value prm !fwhm_max 0.8 'use this to reset fwhm if needed Peak_hkl( 2, 0, 0, 6, 0.06, 16.7166832`_3.56628528e-05, @, 0.0778591013`_0.0248680646, @, 0.0708756377`_0.00970465715) Peak_hkl( 2, 1, 1, 24, 4.18, 20.5104712`_4.39171268e-05, @, 0.0587888733`_0.00123729557, @, 4.24569394`_0.0341241639) macro Peak_hkl(& h,& k,& l,& m,& intideal,tth,fwhm,fwhmv,int,intv) { 'read in h,k,l,m, ideal intensity from Rietveld fit 'fit a peak with refinable fwhm and intensity 'optionally restrain intensity to an ideal value #m_argu fwhm #m_argu int #m_argu tth If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(fwhm, fwhmv, min .000000000001 max =fwhm_max;) If_Prm_Eqn_Rpt(int, intv, min .000001 max 1000000) prm #m_unique dsp = Sqrt((h)^2/(lpap)^2+(k)^2/(lpbp)^2+(l)^2/(lpcp)^2); prm #m_unique tthc = (360/Pi)*ArcSin(Get(lam)/2*dsp); : tth xo_Is xo =tthc; peak_type pv pv_lor =lor; pv_fwhm =CeV(fwhm,fwhmv); I =CeV(int,intv); penalty = penweight * (CeV(int,intv)-intideal)^2; out "results.txt" append Out(h, " %2.0f") Out(k, " %2.0f") Out(l, " %2.0f") Out(int, " %11.8f") Out(fwhm, " %11.8f"," %11.8f\n") }